Sunday 7 March 2010

Louisa May Alcott 337, 338

I was surprised to discover from my master list that two of Louisa May Alcott's books have been published as Virago modern classics - Eight cousins and Rose in bloom. Two absolutely lovely books which I remember reading at school. But unfortunately I haven't been able to track down pictures of their covers. If anyone can oblige, do let me know and then I'll be able to share them with you...


And with some help - here they are! I'm impressed to see that they are original green covers :) I'd love to spot these in a second hand shop one day but suspect they are quite rare.


  1. I had no idea Alcott was a Virago author. How wonderful! I haven't read the titles you mentioned but have heard good things about Eight Cousins.

  2. There are Virago cover pictures of both titles on their Librarything pages. Click on show all covers, and you'll see them.

  3. Mrs B - they are definitely worth reading - I enjoyed them at school.

    Rabbleleader - thank you! I'd missed showing all covers - doh! Now uploaded thanks to you :)

  4. Really lovely covers - and I didn't know that Virago printed anything by LMA - I haven't read anything of hers since I was a schoolgirl, but she was a wonderful writer as I remember!


  5. Hannah - I desperately want these now, they would make such a wonderful addition to my collection. It's years since I've read her books and to find them in green covers would be fantastic.

  6. I saw Eight Cousins on ebay once - I should have nabbed it!

  7. Lol - there are 1p copies on Amazon though...

  8. *Love* the illustration for "Rose in Bloom", I'm afraid it's a fight to the death in the charity shops betwixt thee 'n' me :)

  9. These are two of my favorites. There's another LMA called "Work" in which the heroine has to go out and, yes, support herself -- more political and angry but very revealing. Penguin published in the US maybe a dozen years ago. I didn't know that Virago was still publishing in the UK. Can't get over how gorgeous the covers are.

  10. Alison - 1p copies on Amazon!!

    Carol - thanks for commenting. They are gorgeous covers. I hadn't heard of work and it sounds very intriguing.
