Saturday, 15 August 2009

Latest acquisitions 15/08

I posted about my most recent haul of VMC books last Saturday; unfortunately I took the pictures and wrote the post on Thursday before we went away and it was already out of date, because these two books had arrived:
* The getting of wisdom (Henry Handel Richardson) in my first Dial Press edition. I've already read and reviewed this one!
* The third Mrs Symons (F.M. Mayor), another part of my order which is slowly trickling in.

On Monday, I took a detour via the original Oxfam bookshop on my way home from work and picked up these two books, which I have already managed to read and review.
* Her son's wife (Dorothy Canfield)
* The vicar's daughter (E.H. Young)
And arrivals from ebay/ include:
* The Salzburg tales (Christina Stead). I love Austria, and we're going there for Christmas, so I may take that along to occupy myself in Salzburg airport.
* Some tame gazelle (Pym). A lovely new VMC, to replace my other edition.
* The squire (Enid Bagnold)
*Music upstairs (Shena Mackay)
* Birds on the trees (Bawden)
* She done him wrong (West)
My VMC TBR shelf is now getting pretty full:

I am seriously considering the need for more shelves to arrange my books more satisfactorily, but we just don't seem to have any wall space at the moment.


  1. Very impressive!

    One that I am most looking forward to reading about is She Done Him Wrong as it's been intriguing me for a while.

  2. Again, the post was out of date as 4 more arrived this am!!

  3. I like the look of that shelf. Very tempting!
    I like the sound of your Oxfam shop, mine hardly ever stocks any VMCs. On the plus side they have several vintage Penguins that I'm trying to buy up little by little (I'd buy the whole lot in one go if I could afford it)
    Do you find many VMC on ebay?

  4. Hi Swati - yes, there are loads of VMC on ebay, but they don't always give you a very accurate description of the condition of the book. Prices start from 0.99 (+0.99 postage) - search for "virago modern classic". The Oxfam is reasonable; the one in Thame where my partner works is much better (*looks forward to trip there next week*)
